Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2014 "Real" Book Challenge

Anyone who knows me knows that I love challenges, especially reading challenges. Honestly, that's what got my on Goodreads in the first place because I loved the idea of challenging myself to read a certain amount of books in a year. While I started reading only actual books, I have since acquired a Kindle and now am all over the place.

Jaime over at Fic Fare turned me onto this challenge and I love the idea of the "real" book challenge because I have stacks in my room just waiting to be read.

There are multiple levels to choose from:

1-10 - Real Book Newbie
11-20 - Real Book Enthusiast
21-30 - Real Book Snob
31-40 - Real Book Aficionado
41-50 - Real Book Hoarder
50+ - Real Book Queen/King

My pal, Tellulah Darling, convinced me to sign up and become a Queen with her, so that's what I'm shooting for. At the end of each month, I will do a little wrap up here of all the "real" books I've read. Sound like something you would be interested in? Check it out and sign up here!


  1. What constitutes a 'real' book? :) I'm intrigued! Does this pertain to print copies? I might want to join! :)

    1. "Real books" are any print books - ones that you actually hold in your hand and not read on an e-reader. And yay, I hope you join us! :)

  2. I've already reached my challenge quota (I don't have enough time to participate in them all :( ) but I'm pretty sure I'd own this challenge if I signed up. The majority of my books are 'real books'.

    Good luck!

    1. Thank you! And I'm with you, the majority that I own are print books as well, it's just that they are sitting in a nice pile in my room lol. Hopefully this challenge will knock a bunch of them out!

  3. I promised myself I wouldn't sign up for any challenges this year because I just don't have the follow-thru required these days, but if I did, I'd definitely sign up for this one. :)

    1. I'm the same way when it comes to challenges, but I figured this one kind of fit in with my normal reading haha. We shall see how it goes :)


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