Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (60)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
This week's theme is: Top Ten Words/Topics That Make Me Buy/Pick Up a Book

Jenn's List

Okay this was really hard for me since I pick my books from covers, authors I enjoy, and recommendations from friends. But I tried and this may possibly be the most random list ever. 

1. Fairy tale retellings
2. Boys with accents
3. Travel to foreign places, ie: England, Paris
4. Royalty
5. Dystopian settings
6. Forbidden (I just love the word forbidden)
7. Greek/Roman mythology
8. Celebrity life (I'm a sucker for stories involving a celebrity)
9. Ghost stories/hauntings
10. Vampires (I love reading all the different ways people portray them)

Emily's List

This is a great theme, but I'm at a loss, so excuse me if my list is a bit... awkward.

1. Retellings (Of all kinds)
2. Controversial subjects
3. Friends to lovers
4. Foreign culture
5. Nerds
6. Zombies
7. Schmexy men (I love it)
8. Babies (I'm a sucker for them--seriously, just ask Jenn)
10. Survival

What topics/words guarantee you'll pick up a book?


  1. I keep seeing words/topics which I love too! I forgot about traveling! It's like being on a holiday without actually traveling :).

    My TTT

  2. Yes to any kind of re-telling, traveling, nerds, celebrities, and books where friends become more. Love. Great lists!
    Here's my TTT

  3. LOL on boys with accents. That makes me laugh since it's so much harder for me to "hear" accents in a book than say, in a movie. I definitely get the appeal, though :)

  4. I love a good retelling! I also love that you chose the word forbidden! I love that word when reading a synopsis.

    My Top Ten


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