Friday, April 5, 2013

Follow Friday (59)

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Q. Have you ever read a book that you thought you would hate? Did you end up hating it? Did you end up loving it? Or would you never do that?

A. I've done that several times. The most recent of those times is Wasteland. I hoped that I would enjoy it, but I went into it really knowing I wouldn't. I just wanted to make my own opinion of it and I can safely say that it is one of the worst books that I've ever read. My first instinct was right... I should probably listen to it more often!

Have you ever read a book that you knew you'd hate?


  1. I do that, too. I don't remember the name of the books, though.:)

  2. I have heard some really mixed feelings on Wasteland. It seems like it is a love it or hate it kind of book. New follower.

  3. And it's because of you and others like you that subject yourself to this brand of torture that I can forego reading a book that I already think I'll hate. :) Thanks for that! :P


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