Friday, April 12, 2013

Follow Friday (60)

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read!

Q. We are going to see a lot of posts and tweets about reader conventions like RT, BEA, ALA and many more starting soon. Which one would you love to attend? Where and why?

A. I'm gonna be honest, I don't know much about these big conventions, what they are, what they entail, so I don't feel I could give a good answer. I am actually going to a book convention in June, but it's a one day one in San Francisco and it's nowhere as near as extravagent as the ones in the question.
I'm obsessed with the idea of going to BEA. Obsessed. To the point where my family gets annoyed when I even mention it. I've never been to NYC and it just sounds amazing. So many authors and publishers and a cheaper entrance fee for bloggers... (I'm pretty broke, so that may be the best part.) I actually have been to RT when it was in my home state capital city, but that was years ago before I even realized what it was. I hate myself now because JR Ward had been that and I was too young to know who she actually was. DANG IT.

What convention(s) are you dying to attend?


  1. @Jenn: I don't know much about them too but they do sound very promising and exciting...I mean....imagine a WHOLE convention just about books and authors!!

    @Emily: I sound just like you! I'm pretty sure my family gets irritated about it every time I mention going there sometime after 2014. No worries! We've got time in the future and hopefully you will not pass the chance to meet awesome authors because now,you know who they are :)

    -New GFC Follower
    My FF :3
    Jahzeiah @ Mermaed Books

  2. I am going to RT because it's in Kansas City, and that's where I'm from. I can't wait!! I really want to go to the New Orleans Author Event in February 2014! Karina Halle, Rebecca Espinoza and Crystal Serowka will be there!

  3. Yeah BEA is great! I haven't been but... it sounds great!
    new follower: my FF

  4. BEA does sound awesome. That is the one convention I would love to go to. New GFC Follower.

    Cristal @ Life & Times Blog.

  5. I've never been to any of them either, but would love to go to BEA in New Orleans next year! New follower :)
    My FF

  6. The BEA is a lot of fun. I hope everyone can get there some day.

    I just found out about BEA last year. I went for one day. Going to all four days this year. I will be staying with my son to save money on lodging.


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