Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (58)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
This week's theme is a rewind!

Jen's List:
 Top Ten Characters I Would Crush on If I Were I Fictional Character

1. Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss
2. Augustus Waters from The Fault in Our Stars
3. Adrian Ivashkov from the Bloodlines series
4. Josh Bennett from Sea of Tranquility
5. Jason Schuyler from the Anita Blake series
6. Phillip from That Boy
7. Ian O'Shea from The Host
8. Tucker Avery from the Unearthly series
9. Prince Kai from Cinder
10. Ryan Stone from Dare You To

- Whew, that was hard to pick just ten!

Emily's List
Top Ten Books I Read Before I Was a Blogger
(Because I missed last week's TTT)

- I actually read this when I was in middle school. It was the first LGBT book I ever read and my hands were sweating as I left the library with it because I was so nervous my mom would find out and freak out. Lesson learned: my mom is very supportive of the community.
- My step-mom actually got me to read these. I reluctantly enjoyed them (it was reluctant because we do not get along and that's an understatement).
- I love this series to this day. And when I'm feeling really emotional and need a good cry, I go back and reread book three.
- They were too dark for my taste the first time I read them, but the second time, I fell in love!
- I read them after book three came out, which is really for the best because book two was crayyyyy.
- Swoon. Swoon. Swoon.
- I have so much love for this woman's writing.
- I have to admit that I'm not very fond of the LOTR books, but The Hobbit is one of my favorite books.
- This is the only book by Caletti that I've really loved and it really pushed my love of emotional, controversial books.
- This is one (if not the very top) of the best science-fiction novels I've ever read. I would love to reread it (and I rarely reread things). The first tattoo I plan to get is actually a quote from this novel--that's how I much I loved it!


  1. Oh, I love a good book crush!

    Who doesn't live St. Claire?!?! Now I want to re-read the book immediately.

    I really loved Josh from Sea of Tranquility too!

  2. See, Em? Jenn loved Josh from Sea of T...we need to make that book a priority...AFTER The Pirate's Wish. :P


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