Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (46)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
This week's theme is: 
Top Ten Settings I'd Like to See More Of (Or At All)

1. Inner City - most of the books I've read lately have nice settings in suburbs, I want some gritty settings.
2. Wintery Places - I love snow! I haven't read a recent book that takes place in the winter (or even in a place where it snows on the regular).
3. Antarctica - Come on... Someone give it a shot!
4. Australia - With non-Australian protagonists because I want them to be as new to the country as I would be if I was in their place. And if only for the attractive accents and the Hemsworth brothers and Heath Ledger (RIP).
5. A Forest - And one that's not in the background. I want some stories that take place in the woods. Maybe some horror?
6. Does Online Count? - I spend a lot of time online (pretty much whenever I'm not in class, reading or watching Dance Moms) and I think it would be cool to read a novel kind of like my life only not boring.
7. Dance Studios - ...Speaking of Dance Moms...
8. The Beach - During winter... I don't know even know why, but for some reason I keep thinking about Santa Monica in December.
9. Bookstores - But not because the protagonist owns it, or they work there. I want to see characters that basically live in a bookstore because they love it so much.
10. Libraries - Lurve me some libraries!

What settings would you like to read about?

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