Sunday, January 6, 2013

Making the Grade's Bookapalooza Scavenger Hunt

We are excited to join Making the Grade in their one year blogoversary celebration, Making the Grade's Bookapalooza Scavenger Hunt! This event was created not only to celebrate Making the Grade's one-year mark of blogging, but to celebrate the authors and bloggers involved in the young adult book industry and our mutual love of reading!

Emily's Blogging Experience and Love of Books

Blogging has become a very important part of my life in the past year. Since the start of Ed and Em's Reviews, I, personally, have made a lot of new friends from all over the world, I've met some of my all time favorite authors and I have been given opportunities that I never would've had, if I hadn't joined my GOOD friend, Edwin in the great endeavor that was the start of our blog!

Being a book blogger is great, but before I was a blogger, I was just your average, run-of-the-mill bibliophile.

I've always been a reader. I've been in love with books since before I was born. My mother instilled my love of literature while I was still in the womb. She read to me and listened to audio cassette (yes, I am that old) constantly. Growing up, I was surrounded by piles and piles of stories that would take me to different worlds and every night I would fall asleep listening to my Dr. Seuss's classics on cassette, until my tape was destroyed (I cried for a week). And when I spent my weekends at the library instead of parties during high school, my parents said, "Better books than drugs!" My family is nothing if not classy!

Books are a huge part of my life and always have been. Starting this blog, and being able to share my opinion on books, and connect with other people who loves reading as much as I do has been absolutely amazing. I wouldn't trade this past (almost) year for anything in the world (besides maybe a date with Garrett Hedlund).

I really want to thank those who have made this experience what it has been. Because of our friends and followers, Ed and Em's Reviews has flourished into the blog it is today. We hope to have many more years with you!

And joining in the celebration and bookish spirit, we are having, what we consider to be, a great giveaway below!


Giveaway Details:
- One winner will receive a paperback copy of Everneath and an ARC of Everbound by Brodi Ashton
- Open internationally
- One entrant per household
- Cheating results in immediate disqualification
- Winner has 48 hours to respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen
- We are not responsible for lost/damaged packages
- Ends 01/20/2012

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Did you find our secret word in the post above? You can find the next secret word at Ketch's Book Nook! Take the nine secret words you gather from each of the participating blogs (find the blog roll HERE) and enter the words in the CORRECT ORDER in Rafflecopter forms for 25 bonus points! And if you can correctly name the author and/or book from which the quote is from, you can get an extra 10 bonus points for Making the Grade's giveaways!

The following two giveaways, hosted by Making the Grade are open to US/Canada citizens only, to entrants aged 13 and older.

Bookapalooza Big Box of Bookish Fun Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Bookapalooza Signed Books by the Dozen Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Big thanks and congrats to the Making the Grade gals for letting us participate and for their one year blogoversary!
And don't forget to head over to Ketch's Book Nook to obtain the next secret word!


  1. I started blogging last year and every moment has been super awesome so yeah that's the best memory! :)

  2. I started using Goodreads last year, and I've discovered so many books that I probably wouldn't have read if I didnt have an account there:P Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My favorite blogging memory would be the first time I connected with an author that I can now call a friend: Sarah Fine and Gina Rosati <3

  5. I've been a book junkie since I was a little little one. I would always get frustrated with the other kids for stepping on books, folding pages, and just plain mistreatment. One time, I dropped my book while turning the page and accidentally ripped it. I sobbed, literally sobbed, for days. How could I do such a thing?! Lol.

  6. I've always been a book lover. Last year I read around 160 books and it was a huge accomplishment for me. The books I've read gave me so much! I remember every tear I cried and every laugh I made because of the story and characters!

  7. Great post! I really need to follow your example and get into audiobooks to take advantage of my commute.

    I wrote on the blog once about my trips to the library as a kid. I loved the library, but I guess I didn't realize the scope of my love until I look back at it as an adult. I was the kid who would max out the library's fifty-book-limit. Yeah.

  8. fav memory this year was hooking my daughter and daughter-in-law on some really awesome YA books that they thought they were too old for

  9. My favorite book memory is walking around Barnes and Noble with friends, desperately looking for the perfect Secret Santa gifts.

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  10. Definitely meeting all the great new authors at their book signings. It's SUCH great fun!

  11. As a book junkie, I've rearranged my bookshelves so many times. My favorite was when I had all the books I need to read sitting on my desk and I couldn't see over it. :D

  12. My favorite book memory is going to a Signing by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black, two of my favorite authors!

  13. I got a book in the mail for review and when I opened it, it was totally signed with a little note thanking me for my interest in reviewing it. I was STOKED. lol It was my first signed copy of a book... ever.

  14. The first chapter book I ever read was the complete stories of Sherlock Holmes. I was six years old. haha.
    I went on to work at a bookstore for years and now in publishing! Books are like having so many best friends you can't even count them!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Almost all through primary school I used to walk into class 5 minutes late (because I stayed up to late at night reading) with my nose between the pages of a book. I love to read, always have and always will!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Whatever happens or will happen, at 10:00 pm of every night, I stop everything, and read. :D

  17. Every chance I could, I would read, and my friends would always complain that all I did was reading. :)

  18. My very first comment on my page was amazing! I just recently started my blog and it felt like a huge accomplishment (:!

  19. This is my first year of being a book blogger, and I love it. I was surprised how much work it is though! My first author interview was amazing.

  20. I just started getting involved in the blogging world this past year, and it has been such a fantastic experience. I have met some truly great people, book lovers just like me. I wouldn't give it up now. It would suck. And everything book related was and always is beautiful!

  21. When I was in high school, I read books during class discussion and there was a couple of times that I was so engrossed with the book I was reading I didn't hear the teacher calling my name.

  22. When I was little, barely discovering books and barely able to read chapter books, I use to sneak in to my brothers room to look at his collection of C.S. Lewis books. I started sneaking the books out to read (because he would never have let anyone borrow them). My first book I fell in love with was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. From there I fell in love with many books.

  23. During the free periods at school, I don't hang around with friends, I bury myself in the library with books!

  24. Being a book junkie gave me new bookish friends. I love spending time with them! :)

  25. For being a book junkie I read so much in highschoool that I started to fail my class! I was reading during class and my mother was so upset she banned me from my school libraray and took away all of my books! :( It hasnt happend again but I can say I was grounded for reading too much!

  26. Ahh, book junkie times. I remember always freaking out my teachers with the mass amounts of books I read. In English class, everyone must do at least a few of these "book chats" when you go to the teacher and talk about a book you recently read. Bringing a stack of books a week was not easy.

  27. Something I'll never forget was the first time my daughter showed an interest in reading. I was sitting reading something on the computer, and she hopped up beside me with a book of her own and handed it to me with one of her cute noises that she makes. We read that book at least 15 times one after another. I am so happy that she loves to read as much as I do
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  28. Some of my favorite memories from book blogging are meeting authors. I didn't know how down to earth authors were until I got into book blogging.


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