Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (39)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
This week's theme is: 
Top Ten Book I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me

1. Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer
- The sequel to one of my all time favorite books! View my review here. So... Since Santa is being so generous and bringing me lovely books, I figure I'd go ahead and ask for this pretty thing. I know it's going to be released way after Christmas, but the holidays are all about magic and miracles, right? ;)
2. Soulless: The Manga #1 by Gail Carriger, illustrated by Rem
- Love, love, loved this! But I borrowed it from my library, so I still don't have a copy for myself!
3. Soulless: The Manga #2 by Gail Carriger, illustrated by Rem
- Haven't read it yet, but if it's as good as the first (and the series it is based on), I'll be needing it!
4. Seraphina (Seraphina #1) by Rachel Hartman
- I've heard this is awesome. Like blow-your-mind awesome. Blow-your-mind awesome is something I haven't experienced in a while. I would like to do so again.
5. How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr
- I. Still. Haven't. Read. This.
6. Grimspace (Sirantha Jax #1) by Ann Aguirre
- I really enjoyed the first two books in her Razorland series, as you can see in my reviews. Would love the chance to see what she can do with an adult novel!
7. Life is But a Dream by James Brian
- I've wanted this since before it was even released. I still can't believe I haven't purchased it for myself yet!
8. Ultraviolet (Ultraviolet #1) by RJ Anderson
- I've heard so much about this book lately, and even before it was on everyone's minds, it had me curious. I need to read it sooner rather than later!
9. Prince of Thorns (The Broken Empire #1) by Mark Lawrence
- There has been a lot of controversery surrounding this author, but the summary intrigues me so! I really want to give it a shot.
10. Green Witch (Green Angel #2) by Alice Hoffman
- Read this first book in this series and loved it as you can see in my review. The second book is a must-read for me!

What books are you hoping you'll get this holiday season?


  1. Your blog is so cute! I'm following you now :)

    Prince of Thorns is in my list, too! I started Seraphina and couldn't get into it... but then again, I'm still 10% in I think.

    Here's my TTT. =)

  2. Great list! I have not read Cinder yet, which according to everyone's opinions, it is a MUST read. Hopefully that will be under my Christmas tree this year. And hopefully you will receive some of these treasures on your list!

    Nikki @ Imaginative Adventure

  3. Great list! I still want to read How to Save A Life. Hope you get all these books for Christmas. Feel free to come by and check out My TTT

  4. Seraphina is awesome. I don't know about blow-your-mind but it is very good YA Fantasy. Maybe the best I read this year. I also need to start Grimspace etc. Heard great things about that series. And also want to try out Prince of Thorns. Other books sounds intriguing too. Nice list. :)
    I hope Santa gets you something from your list.
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams
    Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me...


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