Sunday, December 23, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (34)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme, hosted by Tynga's Reviews, where bloggers share the books and goodies that they've received over the week.

Edwin Didn't Get Anything To Put On His Shelves This Week

Emily's Stack for the Shelves:

From Netgalley:
Thank you to Riptide Publishing and Netgalley!

Thank you to Thomas Nelson, YA Bound and Netgalley

Thank you to Viking Adult/Penguin and Netgalley!

Thank you Random House! I've been so, so looking forward to this one!

From Edelweiss:

Huge, huge thanks and hugs to HarperTeen and Edelweiss!

I won this in a twitter giveaway from Lindsey Leavitt! 

Thank you to Pitch Dark Books, Kimberly and the Apocalypsies, and Liz from Macmillan!  

And Kim even signed my book! Insert huge grin here.

My cousin went to an Ally Condie signing and told me that she would get my book (I only have a hardcopy of Matched) signed.
She did one better! She got my book personalize and a poster from the signing signed for me!
Thanks, Lex!

What did you get for your shelves this week?


  1. I'm looking forward to Revolution 19 and Prophecy. Hope you enjoy them!

  2. Wow a lot of great books I just don't know from where to start to comment. The Edelweiss: batch of books is the best, especially Prophecy and Revolution 19. Can't wait to read those two. Great haul, I hope you enjoy them all.

    Happy holidays!
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams
    My book haul...


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