Friday, December 7, 2012

Follow Friday (43)

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Q. Activity! Who do you want to be? If you could choose any character from a book. What do you think that character looks like and what do you have in common?

A. Hmm... I think I'd want to be Jane Eyre. Jane is one of my all time favorite heroines. She goes through so much as a child and even as an adult, only to be forced find herself, take her own path in life and choose her own happiness. I love that. She's strong and kind and beautiful, even though she thinks plain. Jane learns to be comfortable in her own skin. Plus she's a bookworm that thinks education is extremely important - that's so me. I had a rough childhood and have been very self-conscious most of my life, so I can understand how hard it was for her to find herself. I think Ruth Wilson's portrayal of her in the 2007 movie version is perfect. Ruth is Jane for me.

Ruth Wilson as Jane Eyre

Who would you like to be?


  1. Interesting pick. I haven't read the book but love the movies!!

    Old follower via GFC.
    Check out my F&F

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  2. Ah, I love Jane Eyre. I don't know that I'd want to be her, but I certainly love reading about her.

    new follower. My FF:


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