Friday, June 28, 2013

Follow Friday (69)

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read!

Q. What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, e-books, paperback, etc?

A. As much as I love my kindle, nothing beats the feel of reading from an actual book for me. While I used to be strictly a paperback fan I've grown to love the hardbacks. There's just something about curling up with a book, holding the weight in your hands. And come on, who can resist that new book smell?
Whether it be on my iPhone, my iPod touch, or one of my kindles, I prefer to read books on my kindle application lately. Only because it makes it easier to take books everywhere and with it, and I can read in bed with the lights off, snuggled under the covers. But I still buy a lot of physical books, especially when I love a book I've read on my kindle. I love to own my favorites in physical form so if I every want to read a certain part I can just flip to the page, or reread the entire thing.
What format do you prefer?


  1. I am definitely a fan of a "real" book, but I've grown to love my Kindle. One place I've discovered the Kindle will never compare...the beach :) New GFC follower. Happy Friday!

    Meredith’s Musings

  2. I really am all about the physical. I do prefer a book in hand, even a paperback to a hardcover. A paperback fits more easily in my hands. :) I do cherish my ereaders, though.

  3. Kindle is the best for night-time reading. I got the new paperwhite and it's perfect for being able to read without disturbing anyone else.

    I'm a new NewtworkBlogs follower.

    My FF

  4. I read ebooks now since my nine bookcases are overflowing. I also like reading self published writers and many don't have a print copy available.
    New follower via NetworkedBlogs

    Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book

  5. I just bought a new Nook and love it! I can also have Kindle books on it as well, so I get the best of both worlds.

    Julianna Smith // Reading In Twilight - FFF

  6. I love the smell and feel of brand new books! I like being the first person to open one. Unfortunately, I haven't got a new book in a long time.

    New follower via GFC

  7. I love having a book actually in my hands, but I do also love to read my ebooks, because that's my main form of review book. So I agree with both Jenn and Emily! :) I'm an old follower passing through again.

    My FF:

  8. I love physical books more than everything. Ebooks are convenient and handy but like jenn said, it's great to just feel the weight of the book in your hands.
    My follow friday:

    Old follower via GFC, new follower via Linky

  9. Physical books all the way! Although eBooks are real convenient. But nothing beats the smell of new books. xD New follower via Networked Blogs!

    Feature and Follow Friday


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