Friday, June 7, 2013

Follow Friday (68)

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read!

Q. Have you ever broken up with a series? If so, which one and why?

A. I honestly don't believe that I have. I've noticed that I have this problem where if I start a series, no matter how bad it gets, I have to finish it. It may take me awhile, but I'll do it.
I am like Jenn in the sense that I need to finish what I start, but only sometimes... There have been several series that have just been TOO BAD for me to finish. Most of them are really popular, so I probably shouldn't name them. The ones that come to mind didn't work for me because they were repetitive, the love interest was a douchewaffle and they felt like knock-offs of books I'd already read.
Have you ever broken up with a series?


  1. That's really good that none of yous have ever not finished a series! I wish I could've had that honor. My FF can be found at my blog Music Plus Books.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    Laura @ Music Plus Books

  2. Up until recently, I HAD to finish a series, even if I was loathing it by the time the last book rolled around. I just cleaned off/reorganized my shelves this weekend, and I discovered SEVERAL series that I have all the books for but haven't finished. I think that means it's time to give them up. I didn't even remember they were there! And I'd be kind of embarrassed to finish one of them includes a douchewaffle. :(

  3. I am following you from the hop. I would love return followers on bloglovin please


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