Friday, May 23, 2014

Book Review: Make You Mine (Dumont Bachelors #1) by Macy Beckett

The blurb as seen on Goodreads:
Release Date: May 6, 2014
Publisher: Signet
352 Pages

For ninety-nine years, every man in the Dumont family has remained a perpetual bachelor. Residents of Cedar Bayou, Louisiana, whisper about a voodoo hex cast upon the family, sabotaging each man’s chance at marriage. In truth, the Dumont men have their own player personalities to blame, and Marc is no exception. As captain of his family’s riverboat, he’s broken hearts up and down the Mississippi. That is, until his high school crush strolls onboard...

Allie Mauvais rocks the boat when she fills in as pastry chef. She hasn’t seen Marc since senior year, when rumors flew that her great-great-grandmother was the one who cursed the Dumonts. After two weeks on the water, neither can deny the attraction that still burns between them. But to truly reach Marc’s heart, Allie must show him that the hex isn’t real, and it’ll take more than her mouthwatering sweets to prove it. Will Allie’s love be enough to finally make Marc hers?

Voodoo charms, baked goods, and UST all aboard a riverboat in the Bayou. Sounds like a good time, right? Well…not really. Allie Mauvias lives in the shadow of her great-great-grandmother’s actions and reputation. The Mauvias name carries weight around as well known Voodoo witches, and it also carries around the base of a curse. A curse that prevents any Dumont men from settling down and getting married. Unfortunately, Allie is in love with a Dumont, she has been since high school. 

Marc Dumont just recently became captain of his family’s riverboat. He’s about to make his first voyage as captain when he finds himself without a pastry chef. Enter Allie, his high school girlfriend, but also the descendent of the one lady who put a curse on his family. Allie joins the crew with one goal in mind – get Marc. 

I liked Allie for the most part – she was sarcastic and witty. But the one thing I didn’t understand was why she kept pursuing Marc. The majority of this book is spent with his family and Marc himself treating Allie like a leper. Everything that goes wrong they immediately blame her or the so-called “curse”. As a woman, I could not actively pursue someone who treated me that way and it made Allie appear weak and desperate. And for Marc, the only vibe I received from him was sex. That’s all he wanted. 

Another thing that really bothered me was how many things went wrong. Every chapter was another catastrophe that everyone could easily blame on the voodoo witch. It just seemed a little overboard with the coincidences to the point that it was ridiculous. 

I don’t know, it was very cutesy at times but I didn’t feel a love connection between the two like I wanted. I was more interested in the side characters actually, such as Beau and Marc’s sister. 
received an copy of this novel from the publisher for my honest opinion and review.

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