Friday, May 24, 2013

Follow Friday (66)

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read!

Q. The #FF is 150 weeks old! And we want to hear from you! What would you change about the hop? What do you like about it? Or just suggest a question to be used for next week!

I'm still fairly new to this blogging thing and the #FF, but from what I've seen I really like the layout and community feel about it. It's nice to have one question and see a multitude of answers. Seeing how people differ but also discovering new things. As of right now I don't really have any suggestions for changes or questions but give me a few more months and I just might. :)
I've been here a bit longer than Jenn and FF was the first meme I ever used. I love it. It's not only a create way to get new followers, but new friends as well. I've connected with several readers, and bloggers because of it. There's nothing that comes to mind that I'd change. It's fun and easy to join in! As for a question, I decided not to take a break between spring and fall semesters at college, so my question is school oriented: what books do you believe have the most realistic school settings and experiences?
How do you feel about the FF hop?

1 comment :

  1. Oh, great question! And I agree with both of you, the community and friendship I've found thanks to this amazing hop is so wonderful!

    I'm an old follower, here's my FF post for this week.


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