I am very please to be joining Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours in its promotion of Any Boy but You (North Pole, Minnesota #1) by Julie Hammerle. Having loved Julie's debut novel, The Sound of Us, I jumped at the chance to read the beginnings of her new series. And I wasn't disappointed. Today, Julie stops by to tell me 10 things people would be surprised to learn about her. So Julie, take it away!

10 things people would be surprised to learn about me.
- I was a Latin major in college, which maybe isn't too surprising. Latin plays a role in my first two books.
- I'm a classically trained opera singer. (Also not surprising, if you've read The Sound of Us.)
- I have a scar on my lip from when my own dog bit me in the face. I was a freshman in high school.
- I was on the varsity golf team in high school.
- I have zero tattoos, but if I were to get one it'd be some combination of my kids' initials on the inside of my right wrist.
- I can play exactly one song on the guitar - "They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love"
- Ulysses S. Grant is my favorite president, has been since I was a little kid. I know now that he wasn't a very good president, but I don't care. He's my favorite.
- Guilty pleasure book: Jewels by Danielle Steele. So fantastic.
- I named my first car Geoffrey Rush.
- TV shows I wish I could watch on Netflix already: Sisters (the Sela Ward/George Clooney opus from the early '90s) and Just the 10 of Us (the sleazy as heck Growing Pains spinoff).
Thank you Julie! I have to say, I love that you named your first car Geoffrey Rush. Below you can find more about Julie and also find where you can pick up a copy of Any Boy but You. There's also a giveaway going on where you can win a signed copy of the The Sound of Us.
Thank you again to Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours and Julie Hammerle. Be sure to check out my review here.
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