Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Blog Tour: Defying Gravity (Finding Perfect #2) by Kendra C. Highley

Defying Gravity Blog Tour Banner

I am happy to be a part of the Defying Gravity blog tour today! If you like sugary sweet teen love stories with a little angst thrown in then this book might just be for you. Also, be sure to check out the awesome giveaway below!

The blurb as see on Goodreads:
Release Date: July 25, 2016
Publisher: Entangled: Crush
191 Pages

Disclaimer: This book contains enough sexual tension to melt snow, the hottest near-kiss in the history of near-kisses, and a sexy snowboarder determined to win the heart of the girl he loves.

Zoey Miller lives for her holidays in Aspen. Her time up on the mountain with the Madison brothers, Parker and Luke, is everything. But for the first time, it’s not enough. This time, she’s determined to win one of the brothers’ hearts.

But the brother she has in mind is a renowned player, with hordes of snow-bunnies following him around Snowmass resort. And the other…well, he’s her best friend and knows she deserves better. Namely him. And he’s going to win her heart.

Enter to Win the Defying Gravity Prize Pack!

Defying Gravity Prize Pack Giveaway

Zoey Miller lives two lives. Back home she's super put together, super popular, class president, all-round Miss Perfect. But every winter vacation she comes back to Aspen and it's here Zoey lets out the person she really is - the laid back, sporty girl who just wants to hang with her two best friends, Parker and Luke - brothers, who have known Zoey since they were infants. However, this year something changed. Zoey comes to Aspen with a plan - make Luke notice her in a more than friend sort of way. The only problem with that is Parker has the exact same plan for Zoey.

Yup, this book has a love triangle: 2 brothers and a girl.

Overall, I found this book adorable. Zoey, for the most part, is likeable. She's fun, sweet, cares about her friends and is trying to figure out where her future lies outside of high school and this bubble that she's created. The Zoey I didn't like so much was the fake one that surrounded Luke. For someone who spends most of the book complaining about having to be someone she's not back home and how those people only like one side of her, she certainly becomes the perfect little snow bunny just following Luke around. It really didn't make sense as to why she would fall so hard for the superficial shallow brother knowing what we know about her.

The brothers were like night and day. Luke, as I said before, was full of himself, rude, and just not a nice guy. Can you tell I didn't like Luke? The only reason her pursues Zoey is because he wants to beat Parker at everything. (How Zoey doesn't see through his charade is beyond me.) Then there's Parker. Sweet, adorable, Parker. He's been in love with Zoey for years and when he decides to make his move, suddenly she's chasing his brother. I felt really bad for him but at the same time, I wanted him to man up and tell her what was going on.

These books are just like candy. Short and sweet following the formula we all know. Despite this being set in the winter, it's a perfect read for day at the beach. And I dare you not to fall for Parker. Another plus, even though it's a series, you don't necessarily have to read them in order to understand the plot. Each book is it's own. Also, side note, I want to learn how to snowboard now.

Thank you to Entangled Teen for allowing me to take part in this blog tour and for providing an e-copy of the novel in exchange for an honest review.

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